Dream with me

Feeling Academically Satisfied. Also, Serenity RAWKS!

1:19 PM - October 11, 2005

I've had an insteresting couple of days.

Yesterday was very good. It was warm and sunny which instantly put me in a good mood. Hayley, Lorna, Sarah and I went to Pizza Hut for a meal after class which was a lot of fun.

Then Sarah and I looked at shoes for a while before she caught the bus home and I went to the Odeon.

I went to see Serenity. I had *two hours* to kill before the film started so I read some Terry pratchett and watched two people put up a cardboard display for the new Harry Potter movie. It was a dead good bit of inpromptue entertainment, I must admit!

Serenity was a bloody fantastic film! It had that real Joss Whedon feel to it. For example, where you would expect big orchestral scores he had a four or five piece band to set the mood. He excelled himself!

And I was very impressed that he stuck to his "No sound in space" mantra, nice one.

The movie is a must see, and I don't say that very often. I don't believe in must sees as a rule, but this one should be compulsory. It's not like a standard sci-fi film because it concentrates more on the characters than the situation. Most sci-fi get's too caught up with the sci-fi and neglects real character development or personality, in some cases. (Is trying hard not to critisise Start Wars for fear of reprisal from Hotaru ^ - ^)

It's a brilliant film, compelling and original and it beggers belief that the series from which it stemed was cancelled. It's official, TV channel managers wouldn't know a good potential hit show if it bit them on the backside.

Honestly though, go see it and be reinvigerated with the entire genre.

I really loved this film.

As for today, I've just come from my weekly seminar with Mick. It was a good one because our class actually had a decent discussion. This doesn't happen often.

I even got a complement from Mick (that I was a good writer) although part of me suspects it was directed at Nadine but he said the wrong name.

I'm not good at taking complements so it's easier to think it was meant for Nadine ^ - ^

In class with Raff yesterday we got handed this thing from a new Polish magazine, aimed at Pols our age who want to learn about the UK. We've been told we can submit stuff to it as part of our course. So I think I shall ^ - ^

I'm feeling upbeat today. It might have something to do with the fact that there is a tub of ice cream sitting in my freezer for me when I get home. Or maybe it's just that I'm feeling...appreciated today.

During the break between lecture and seminar I had a great long chat with Dan in the Ember Lounge about politics. He's a Socialist and I'm really not.

Still, when explaining to him why I support the Lib Dems I managed to put into words exactly what I feel about the world of politics.

There are some people who live in Britain, and there are some people who live in the World. I live in the world. When I assess the merits of particular policies I don't just think about how they impact domestically, but how they affect and international scene as well.

If the UK had a government determined to live up to the European ideal and withdraw some from the US then I think that government is one that would benifit, not only the UK, but the world as a whole.

It's the differenct between being a nationalist and an internationalist.

And when I say nationalist, I'm not talking about right-wing fruitcakes, I'm talking about isolationists and those who choose to remain ignorant of the world around them.

So I'm feeling academically satisfied, for once. It makes a nice change, to hang around with Nadine and her crew sometimes because they are much more political than the other girls. Only Lorna really understands politics enough to have a coherant debate on the subject.

Sarah will debate with me, sometimes, but instead of just putting forward an opinion, I have to explain the background to it as well.

I'm not implying in anyway that my girls are somehow less intelligent, they simply care about different things to me.

Anyway, I'm enjoying this feeling of academic satisfaction, while it lasts.

Once I am done here I need to go home and write my proposal for my dissertation. I am thinking about asking Rafferty to take a look at it before I hand it in, but I'm in two minds about it.

I've also let Eddie know that I'm willing to do Rep work for him again this year. It's paid and looks good on the ole' CV so why not? So long as it doesn't interfear with my Uni work.

I know Sarah is quitting her job soon, for various reasons. And Nadine is having trouble with her work schedual (they keep schedualing her to work during her lectures). So I don't envy them.

Our lecturers are being really militant over attendance this year. Last year, they couldn't give a toss if we didn't turn up, really, so ong as we got all of our stuff in on time. This year, if you miss more than two weeks in a row you're off the modual.

Wow, I've really talked your ears off today, haven't I? I always come into these entries thinking I have nothing to say but once I get going there's no stopping me!

Right, well, I'm off to read Andrew Sullivans Blog, then home to get to work on both my proposal and this article for the Polish magazine.

Ja Ne lovelies!

Times Past - Times to Come