Dream with me

A burble with no purpose. Yay

2:51 PM - October 12, 2005

'Tis raining today. Rain bad.

I've had an almost productive morning, in that I bought shampoo and came up with a workable article idea I can start working on for that Polish magazine.

But first I have to look into the Polish involvement in the War on Terror. I have *no* idea if they're involved or not, to be honest ^ - ^;

Parentals have agreed to do me a Tesco's shop online for next Wednesday. Which is really great because it's impossible to get a decent amount of shopping home on the bus and weekly shopping for bare essentials is actually really expensive.

Currently I am surfing DeviantArt, looking for pretty pictures. I don't know why I download them really, I just like looking at them. They make my screensaver pretty too ^ - ^

I have over 5,000 pictures on my computer at home. Thats a lot of art...

5,000 pictures to choose from and only one that looks any good as a wallpaper...

Anyway, I don't have much to chat to you all about, I mostly just wanted to moan about the weather.

Oh, and some arse has hacked Andrew Sullivan's diary. Bastard!

Anyway, I'm off.

Ja Ne lovelies!

Times Past - Times to Come