Dream with me

Been one of those days

3:48 PM - November 07, 2005

Well I had a pretty good weekend, all in all. Just been relaxing and trying not to think too much about work.

Oddly enough, I was trying to to think about the fact that I actually have a lot of time left to write a relativly small amount. I think this vague sense of panic is what is driving me to work so I'm trying to keep it.

I did some work on Sunday and this morning for my essay which is good. Brought back some books that are only good for 'background research.' That is so say, they're too old or irrelevent to actually be used but I add them to my sources list, just in case.

As it is my bibliography is going to be longer than the wretched essay! In quotes alone I already have 250+ on my word count. And I still have seven or eight books to look at and I haven't even *read* those articles I downloaded yet!

Anyway, I sent off my food article today so thats 1200 off my wordcount. I only need about 850 on my education feature. I could send those emails today but frankly, I don't want to.

I'm in a bad mood today. Not least because it turns out Hayley's whole 'we'll do something once a week thing' was another one of those fables empty promises.

I think, given that I've not actually said a full sentence to her all day, she may have figured out I'm angry with her.

Then again, this is Hayley, so maybe not.

My, that was bitchy, wasn't it? I get moody --> I get catty. Go figure.

I've sent off an email to the guy at the local council, asking for help. If I get no where there I have a couple of other options.

Heh, who knew I had contacts?

So now I have to avoid my Inbox lke the plague...

Heh, my confidence is almost overwhelming, isn't it?

Hmmm...you know what, I don't want to cook tonight and I don't want fish and chips...

I could go to Brunchies but it's so out of my way...

I kind of want a jacket potatoe and chicken again but there are two problems with that.

1)I don't want to cook and

2) I didn't defrost any chicken...

Aww well. I guess I shall have to resort to Hot dogs...

Anyway, I'm all alone here right now and I'm really hungry so I think I shall go home.

I shall also get a DVD out I think. I'm having one of those days.

Anyway, I'm off.

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come