Dream with me

Not going home - Kind of a relief

3:38 PM - November 17, 2005

Ok, before I start I just need to make a quick observation:

I was typing in Diarylands URL today and accidently typed Dairyland. There's actually a site called dairy land. Heh, I wonder how many of their visitors are misdirected Bloggers?

Anyway. Now to something semi-serious.

I've decided not to go home this weekend. It just seems to me to be the worst possible time for me to leave. Arrangeing it and the price and so on it just all getting stupid and adding to my stress levels.

I ive my life on this permanant knife-edge between cope and can't-cope. Arranging to go home was pushing me off the wrong way, frankly.

Instead, I am meeting the parents in Birmingham on either Sunday or (more likely) Wednesday.

I have to phone dad soon to let him know and I'm dreading it. He's really pushing me to go home.

But frankly, I don't need the added stress of family issues on top of my workload. I have too much to do.

I wonder if mum will still lend me Pride and Prejudice on DVD...

Anyway, my lecture today was cancelled (hurrah!) so I've been in the library for two and a half hours now. Not been doing anything productive, mind you. Still not sent off my article submission but I'm putting it off until last thing tomorrow so it can get lost and reasonably ignored.

I don't have to hand it in until Monday. I was really only stressing about getting everything done for today, back when I was still leaving tomorrow. But now I'm not so it's a weight off my shoulders.

Anyway, I have to go, got stuff to do. Acutal, productive stuff and everything!

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come