Dream with me

I'm living in a Soap Opera

2:06 PM - November 25, 2005

It's been one hell of a few days!

Shortly after writing my entry on Tuesday, I realised I was 600 words down on my word count (due only to my own stupidity) so I had to knock out a 711 word piece is two hours.

The annoying this is, it's better that the other pieces I've spent a month on!

It's frustrating.

Wednesday I didn't do anything really. I met Nadine in the library and we ended up just going for a drink and what have you. Then we went and harrassed Dan at the Halls.

I did get dinner cooked for me though, which was nice. As repayment, I'm cooking a Sundey roast on...Well Sunday.

Spent much of Tuesday night in the pub with Nadine, Dan and Co. I left at about 10 though. Glad I did too, because they went off and got stoned shortly after.

Yesterday, I was very bad. I skipped my Conflict lecture entirely and went to the cinema with Nadine instead. We went to see Harry Potter 4 again.

It was fun seeing it with Nadine, she found odd things extreamly funny.

We've taken to yelling "No, I'm the Fat Lady" at one another. It's fun, but frightening when Dan joins in...

Anyway, I have to go into Stoke today to buy socks and some food.

I've sent off emails for my latest round of articles, so it's all good.

No weekend off this week though. I have to start writing my Mick essay ASAP.

Anyway, my last pair of socks now have holes in them so my trip to Stoke is rather urgent.

Right, well I shall try to post again on Monday.

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come