Dream with me


11:45 AM - December 12, 2005

Just a quick Link to start off with. Read the very last sentence and be frankly appauled.
(It's about advice to teachers for school x-mas parties and stuff, nothing too serious.)

It's happened again, folks!

I never got those replies from the Islamic Society, (damnit) so I was forced to write a random piece to make up the word count. It's the best thing I've written all year (bar my essays).

It's about Bush and climate change. Submitted it this morning.

I was dead proud of it and it only took me a few hours to knock out more than 1000 words.

So, as you may have guessed, I've been pretty much just working since I last posted.

I'm about to hand in my essay for Mick. It's sitting right next to me already to go, in fact. I just want rid of it before I start re-writing it.

My biggest work-related problem is still this wreatched Parselmouth piece. It's still not sutible for any publications I know of. I wonder if I should just re-write it from scratch?

I am so glad the library is open late tonight, you know.

Work work work, thats my life these days.

Except on Saturday when Nadine and I went to do some X-mas shopping. I got a beautiful plate and mug set for mum. It so gorgeous that *I* want it!

I also got a Liverpool keyring for dad to go with the DVD's. Still nothing for the sister yet, she's impossible to buy for.

Oh, and I bought a cheep x-mas CD and I'm annoying hall-mates by playing it loudly and dancing in my room. What do I care, it's fun!

Ok, I have a confession to make. I've been really bad these past few months and now I'm really cunfused.

Mid-October I got an email from Lee, the erstwhile boyfriend. It was just a regular 'this is what I'm up too' email so I sent one back. (He broke up with Sam and she went back to being a lesbian, apparently).

Then he emailed me back, teasing me about something I'd written so I had to return the favour and we've been exchanging emails since then.

Only on Thursday I got one asking if I wanted to meet him during X-mas to hang out. Jokingly I asked if it was a date and he said yes.

Bloody typical.

Anyway, he did send this very sweet email apologising for the while Sam debarcle, saying that Charlie had told him I was seeing someone else (a total lie) to stop him trying to make up with me. So he 'dated' Sam to make me jealous.

Charlie is officially not allowed to interfear in my romantic life anymore!

So now I don't know what to do. Lee and I had an odd relationship two years ago. For example, he was sleeping with Charlie for parts of it. I never really minded because we'd made it clear we weren't in love we were just together because we wanted to be 'with' someone.

Only now he's telling me he was lying about that. That he loves me and wants a proper relationship.

Holy fuck fucitty fuck fuck!

What the bloody hell am I supposed to do now!?

Yes, this is just what I need to be praying on my mind right now, isn't it?

**Bangs head on desk** BUGGER!

I like Lee, as a person, for the most part. He was a total arse with the Sam thing (that was more than a year ago now though. I think) but it's almost sweet when you add Charlies involvement.

I rang her after I got back from the library last night. She said it was true, she'd invented a boyfriend called Todd, apparently.

(Why Todd though? Because she fancies a guy named Todd, we're just not allowed to tell her boyfriend who's about a month away from prososing by the sounds of him. He goes all gooey when he talks about her.)

Oh lordy, why did my life had to go all complicated on me?

Uh oh. Fire alarm. Gotta go.

Ja Ne Loves

Times Past - Times to Come