Dream with me

Two Down, One to Go

2:33 PM - December 13, 2005

Well, Specialist and Mick's essay are in, done and dusted. Now I just have Alans to do. Won't that be fun?

Tomorrow. It will be fun tomorrow.

I hadn't realised how tired all this stress had made me until I tried to get up this morning. I was awake at 8:15 and thought I'd close my eyes for a few minutes and woke up an hour later!

I didn't manage to worm my way from between the sheets until 11.

I handed in my pieces of work and I've been in the library ever since.

I even got a phone call from Sivy today! She's stuck on guard duty and was bored so she rang me. WOOOOO! She was just telling me what she was up too and stuff. It made me all happy.

I had a chat with Nadine yesterday about my Lee-troubles. It was...well frankly no use whatsoever. She just told me to meet him over X-mas. Easier said than done, frankly.

I don't know how to explain the situation without sounding like a total nut job so I shall just say I don't want to get dragged into something thats going to stress me out when all I need is to concentrate on work.

Besides, even if I did get back together with Lee, he's all the way up in Leeds and I'm not entirely sure I could trust him again...



So today, apart from sitting as a sounding board for Nadine, I have to make some more notes for my Conflict essay. I have about 500 so far so I need a lot more. The essay is 2,500.

Still, it's actually pretty interesting. I just have to really knuckle down to it tomorrow and thursday.

Anyway, I've run out of things to say.

Ja Ne lovies

Times Past - Times to Come