Dream with me


3:46 PM - December 18, 2005

Well, thats that loves! My workload is finally totally over until after xmas. Except for the small matter of all the research I have to do this holiday.

Not fun.

I've decided not to go home for xmas but can't bring myself to actually tell the parents. I've tried, but they just won't take 'no' for an answer.

Anyway, most people are gone home for the holidays now. It's just me and some Chinese students left in halls I think.

It's nice and peaceful and I can finally play video games relativley guilt free. Also, play my music really loud too.

I should mention this now, in case I don't get a chance to come back here.

The library is closed from the 23rd to the 2nd so I won't have internet access for that week or so.

Unless, of course, I get bullied into going home, in which case I will have the internet. But we'll just off that bridge when we come to it.

Don't know when I'm supposed to give people presents but again, bridge and jumping.

I went to see King Kong with Dan on Friday night. That was good fun. It's a good film but there is simply *no* justification for the giant bugs! I'm still getting creepy-ness thinking out them. Urg.

I am contemplating going to see Narnia too. But I won't until I've cleared the not-going-home with the parentals so I can spend the money they gave me


I'm really dreading that conversation. I wish I could just avoid the issue...

I got my phone fixed. It was my charger and not my phone that was buggered actually so I got a changer off Dan. He got it off Nadine but promplty smashed his phone in a drunken rage. Smart boy that he is.

So now my phone actually charges. WOO!

I have been in the library for about two or so hours now and I have downloaded an obscene amount of art. But no fics, which is what I came here to get.

I have to remember to watch the West Wing tonight because I missed it on Friday by going to see King Kong.

So much pretty aaaaart...


I'd best be off. I have things to do. Well, not really important things. I need to buy bread and eggs and stuff.

I'll post again soon, hopefully.

Ya ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come