Dream with me

I meant to do work. And I actually DID!

5:58 PM - February 01, 2006

Well isn't this a surprise! I came to the library intending to work on my Column for Mick and shockingly I actually did! I've only got to tweak it a bit and write an end paragraph and I'm done!

I'm a little worried it may be to 'tabloid' but...well I'm not *that* worried, to be honest.

I was rather unproductive most of the day. I've had a shower and played some video games. I decided to come to the library to work and I am actually in shock that I did as I had intended.

Perhaps now that it is Febuary, the dreaded January Blues will have released their grip on me?

Hmmm...I have to buy print credit so I can print this out and deliver it to Mick to be photocopied. I think I may as well leave all that until tomorrow as it's far to late to go give it to him now. He'll have gone home for one thing.

I'm having dinner with Nadine and Dan tonight (if Nadine can get hold of Dan that is). She's making Lasagne so yum!

Anyway, given that this dinner isn't until 8, I am going home to play video games. I'm replaying FF9. I know it's my least favorite but I felt like mocking Steiner so I'm replaying it.

Doubt I'll play it out much further than the end of disk one, though.

Right! I'm off!

Must resist urge to buy fish and chips also. Am eating later. RESIST!

Heh, I have no will power ^-^

Anyway, I'd best be off.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come