Dream with me

Bizzare weather and Links update

5:04 PM - February 21, 2006

Well it's been an interesting few days!

Nadine cooked us dinner again last night. I think she really enjoys it. It was fun but by the end of the night I wanted to beat Dan with the copy of the Independant he wouldn't put down all night!

Still, nice (free) food and good company so it was all good, all in all.

The weather today has been so screwey! Right now it's sunny but chilly but earlier it was alternating between rain, hail and snow! Snow!

So it's been really screwey, as I said.

Work-wise I have finally started my case studies research. I'm reading background on US-China relations and Tiananmen Square. Most of the books I am using are kinda long winded though so it's a bit of a trawl.

I also get the joy tomorrow of sitting up here with all my notes and a bunch of journals doing the fun "collecting my thoughts" thing. I want to write up as I go, just so as I can feel that much more productive.

I have done as I have been threatening for a while now and added an Mp3 Rotation section to the Links and Recs page so if you get the change and want some cool rock music check out the links.

Right, well sorry for the shortness of this entry, I'm afraid I have places to go and books to stare at.

I am hoping that if I stare at my text books long enough I will absorb the information via osmoses. It's not working so good so far but I won't give up!

Ja Ne lovelies!

Times Past - Times to Come