Dream with me

Rain, Work and Pizza

9:11 PM - March 09, 2006

Well today has been an interesting one.

It's been raining almost constantly for three days here. Not fun. Not good for my hair either as it frizzes and curls in the rain.

It's made me really lathargic and reluctant to leave the house.

I did leave today though. Nadine and I went to Pizza Hut to take advantage of their Buffet offer. We ate tons, it was great!

Afterwards, we went to look at shoes (how much of a girl am I?). There wasn't really anything I liked but it proved yet again the vast difference in taste between Nadine and I.

We went to B&Q to look at Kitches, bathroom and (for some wierd reason) light fittings and floorings. We spent a good deal comparing the kinds of floorings and what-have-you's we want in out flat/dream house.

Then we went to Toys'R'Us to look at, well, toys, basically. We got really excited by some of the board games. Nadine lamented that we're going to turn into 'dinner party yuppies' and I told her I couldn't wait!

We also lamented the loss of traditional lego and pondered why on earth any rational human being would buy their little girls dolls. Gods how I hate those things!

I have a fear of them that stems back to this really creepy one my sister had when we were young. **Shudders**.

Heh, maybe that's where my distrust of babies comes from, too...

Heh, that instilling of maternal instincts didn't really work on me, did it?

Anyway, workwise I'm not doing too badly. I have 450 words of my first chapter written already.

Alan's not replied to my email which means no meeting tomorrow. I'm really quite ok with that, you know.

I get to spend tomorrow reading text books about China and it's attitude towards / treatment by international media organizations, with an emphisis on America.

America doesn't like any foriegn country, apparently.

Or the medai doesn't, at least.

I've taken Animatrix out of the library on DVD. I've been meaning to watch this for years but I've never wanted to actually have to buy it. So this way works quite well.

Anyway, it's kind of late so I think I'm going to call it a night.

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come