Dream with me

Lots of work done. YAY ME!

9:26 PM - March 14, 2006

[Second Entry] - Important note! - To turn off this bit of music, scroll down to the bottom of the page!

WOO! Check me out!

After being soooooo unproductive this morning, I have done loads tonight! Added 400 words to chapter one, ordered it so that it flows much better and just generally made it much much better.

**Big cheer!**

I'm very pleased with myself now. Apparently prawns and scotch eggs are brain food!

Anyway, I just wanted to add that very pleased and slightly smug note. Getting that extre done means I'm only about 500-600 away from having the whole chapter finished. This is very good news indeed! It also helps aleviate the lack-of-work-done stress I've been suffering from. I think that is why I am sleeping so late in the mornings (and wasting half the day) because I can't fall asleep at night. I just end up tossing and turning, going over and over my project in my head.

I mean, I went to bed at 8:30pm last night but didn't fall asleep until gone 1:30am.

Admittedly, I got up pretty well this morning. I woke up at 9:30am and instead of rolling over and going back to sleep I got up and showered.

Came to the library and wrote a grand total of 65 words on my chapter. Wooooow.

Anyway, I've been nicely productive this evening which is very good.

Even better, I've watched virtually no television at all this week. I've been too busy, listening to music, working or what have you.

This i so very unlike me it's almost frightening.

Still, Nadine is going home tomorrow for her best friends wedding and I am leaving on Monday (the same day she comes back) so I won't be seeing her for a while.

This is very good from a work perspective as it means I might actually get some done instead of sitting in the Ember Lounge talking about getting it done.

So I'm feeling a lot more upbeat than I was this afternoon. Like there is a vague possibility I might not fail my third year.

Hmmm...I'm going to have to get Liz to come by on Monday after class to take my freeview. If not, she's going to miss the West Wing next week.

Wow, I can't believe how late it is!

I also can't believe how many times I've said 'wow' in this entry...

I've been thinking a lot recently about the future. Inevitably this leads me to thinking about my romantic future. You know, I never used to think about it that much until I started really hanging out with Nadine. Now that my social life seems to revolve around Nadines disfunctional romances though, I think about them a lot more often.

I have always been one of those people resigned to the fact that I'll probably never find love. Now this is not a cry for help nor for the frantic reassurances of friends, it is simply me facing facts.

The reason for this belief is simple. I don't flirt, or as Nadine puts it, I don't give out "that vibe". Ever since she said it, months ago now, it's been preying on my mind somewhat. I have come the conclusion however, through much pondering and indeed musing, that she is right.

I don't flirt or put out any kind of "Come and get it" vibe (to be honest, it the end result is turning out as neurotic as poor Nadine is becoming I'm rather thankful of this fact).

Still, I've never been a flirt. Lee and I happened almost totally by accident. Literally actually, I fell ver him during a game of Quasar (laser tag) and that was how we met.

So that is what I have been thinking about. Trying to council Nadine that she will one day meet the right guy is difficult when it's not something I ever really envision happening for myself.

I have my dream guy, of course I do. He's perfect in my head and part of me wants to stick with that. A perfect dream that can never be corrupted.

Then again, you know, who knows whats going to happen in the future. For all I know 'Dream Guy' might be just around the corner for me. Then again, perhaps not.

I am not one of those people who A) feels the need to obsess about finding him or B) send all of my time and energy going through guy after guy looking for him.

Heh, good things come to those who wait, they say! Yeah right...

Anyway, I'm not sure what made me want to share that (possibly depressing) little revelation with you lot but there we go.

To cheer you all up (if that has depressed you, you need to get out more) I've added a little present. It's a really cute Harry Potter music video. Enjoy!

Aren't I good too you lot?

Ja Ne Loves

Times Past - Times to Come