Dream with me

New Layout and Shopping!

3:14 PM - April 23, 2006

Well as you can all see I've changed my diary layout again. I was getting a little bit bored with the blue Yuna layout and the pictures were about to expire so I thought a nice change was in order.

This layout is dead cute, anyway.

So what have I been doing since finishing my dissertation? Shopping and working on my disseration!


Yes, I figured out what was bugging me about it. So I wrote out another 200 words to tighten up the ending.

Yesterday I was in Hanley. I bought some books and a CD (Panic at the Disco album). I saw some beautiful blue shoes in New Look and I've been mulling them over. I have decided to buy them tomorrow if they are still on sale for when we go out of Wednesday ^-^

Anyway, I've not got much else to say. I might go to see the Da Vinci Code or Ice Age tonight. Maybe.

Anyway, I'm off to make some dinner and listen to the Now Show.

Ja Ne loves!

Times Past - Times to Come