Dream with me

Short Hello

3:38 PM - May 02, 2006

I am in the library for the second time today, downloading much fun fun mnaga and pondering...things.

In the end it turned out Nadine didn't go home. She changed her mind at the last minute it seems. She may be regretting that now, however, because it turns out that Dan is going home tomorrow. For good.

She told me in the Ember this morning that she doesn't think we will see Dan after we Graduate, even after we move to London. Personally, I don't think this is true but she knows him a hell of a lot better than I do so I shall take her word on it.

...And try not to be too pleased.

I like Dan well enough but when he's around Nadine becomes...silly.

I mean that in the very Jane Austin sense. She acts like a lovesick school girl, which in many ways I suppose she is.

Anyway, life without Dan will be easier from a roommate perspective. On the other hand, I know how she feels about him and it would hurt her deeply to loose all contact with him.

Which option to root for!? GAH!

Anyway, on an easier-to-deal-with note I spoke to James today for the first time in 8 months. I phoned him to check something and we chatted for about half an hour. Cost him his whole lunch break, bless him ^-^

I'm posting him Advent Children to watch and enjoy ^-^

Aren't I nice?

Heh, answer that after I've actually sent it.

Anyway, this was just a short entry to check in. I'm going home to get some dinner then I may come back or I may stay at home and read some. Life is wasy...this is worrying...

Ja Ne loves ^-^

Times Past - Times to Come