Dream with me

Still a little bewildered

2:26 PM - May 31, 2006

Downloooooading! Downloooooading!


I'm very happy because I found a great new series called Never Give Up! It's similar to Pheromania Syndrome - masculine girl and feminine guy - but different. For one thing, the female lead doesn't get spontanouse nose bleeds or have inappropriate fantasies.

Also thus far, the main guy hasn't tried to curse anyone...

Heh, I love Pheromania Syndrome, it's so funny!

I'm meeting Liz in 20 mins to go into Stoke. I need to go to Sainsbury's and the Post Office (gotta send off my application form before my interview next week).

It's annoying because I have to try and buy a stamp and an envelope but they always seem to come in packs...

Anyway, I will get it sent by Friday at least because that is when I have to call to confirm I'm attending the interview.

Weird system but there we go.

I finally caved and told Nadine about the job. I felt oddly guilty about keeping it a secret.

She didn't say much about it; just laughed at me for moving half way around the world in search of beautiful men.

Then we somehow got into a discussion about accents and the subject was lost.

So...not sure how she feels, actually.

Well anyway, I've got to go and meet Liz.

Ja Ne loves

Times Past - Times to Come