Dream with me

Graduation tomorrow

9:16 PM - July 02, 2006

Well tomorrow is Graduation >.<

I'm really looking forward to it now. I've had my nails painted (something I never do) and scrubbed, shaved and spounged every avaliable surface.

It's due to be an even better day than I had anticipated because Nadine will be graduating with us. She just managed to squeeze her work placement in to get an overall 2:2.

So I am going to be seated between her and Sarah. Yay!

...Must resist urge to sing Captain Planet theme song during ceremony...

I plan on taking as many photos as possible then uploading them to Photobucket or some such on Tuesday. If I get any group pictures or any very good ones I shall post them here directly.

I'm not really feeling anything very much about tomorrow. Slight dred over the heat (it reached at least 37C today and it's meant to be hotter tomorrow) especially as we have to wear full robes and hats. Everyone else is, as far as I know, wearing full suits but I am wearing a very smart - and above all, cool - black summer dress.

Our information packs did say dresses were alright but I shall be putting my suit in the car, just in case.

Also, comfortable shoes...

So I don't have much else to say, really. I will post again on Tuesday as I doubt I shall feel like it tomorrow.

...Must also resist parents attempts to make me drink...

Must also remember sun screen.

Right, well I'm off for the night now.

Ja Ne loves ^-^

Times Past - Times to Come