Dream with me

Trapped by storms and shopping

11:42 AM - January 22, 2007

Well, as I said in my last post I got trapped at home by the storms last Thursday and so had to go back a day late. It meant I had to swap shifts with 'I' but it wasn't too bad.

Saturday we took 'A' to town to do some shopping. I got a News Quiz CD to listen too at night which is excellent! So funny!

Parents came up on Sunday with my stuff and I came home. I've just been burning a few discs and trying to filch some batteries from somewhere. DL'ed some excellent radio shows (Izzard mostly) so thats been entertaining me.

Right now I am trying to decide what train to get back. I can go in an hour and have four hours to kill before my sign language class or I can go in two hours and only have three hours to waste.

I'm leaning towards going in two hours and getting time to finish my downloads and not have to spend hours searching for something to do.

It makes more sense I suppose.

I wont have time to get to the library and update tomorrow as I have 'household-y' type stuff to do. Laundry, bake a cheesecake ect.

Which reminds me: must print out recipe.


Done that.

On the other hand, I may make time on the basis that I want to check out their audio books selection. Also, see if they have any language courses so I can make a serious start on either my Japanese or Mandarin.

I can say one phrase in Mandarin so far. "Excuse me, please can I ask, do you speak English?"

Also, do you speak Mandarin.

Useful but not exactly awe inspiring.

So we shall see what they have. Also, just some nice long books would be good too.

Right, well there are still a lot of things I want to get sorted before I leave so I shall say goodbye now.

Ja ne loves!

P.S. Please please please let the rain hold off until I am home!

Times Past - Times to Come